New Yorker Fiction 2016

“She peels a swim cap onto her head, goggles, enters the water, which is cold but not shocking. Swims” (61).
“Back at home, the newspapers, front-page photos of a train car in Europe jammed floor to door with escaped victims of a war zone farther south . . . [f]ilthy families and souls in despair pressed flat against one another in the grip to survive, uncountable arms and legs, torn-open eyes . . . .” (61).
“ . . . . he had been able to see a patch of mushrooms, boletus, from his window and he used to go hunting for those in the woods with his mother when he was a kid and it made him sad . . . John Cage was out mushrooming with his mother, after an hour or so she turns to him and says, We can always go to the store and buy some real ones” (62).
“The finished fox drawing is under a streetlamp. It glows. He has used some sort of phosphorescent chalk, and the fox, swimming in a lucent blue-green jelly, has a look on its face of escaping all possible explanations” (62).
Illustration, Jon Gray/Gray 318.
NEXT TIME: My Book World

Introduction to My Long-Playing Records
"My Long-Playing Records" — The Story
"A Certain Kind of Mischief"
"Ghost Riders"
"The Best Mud"
"Handy to Some"
"A Gambler's Debt"
"Tales of the Millerettes"
"Men at Sea"
"Basketball Is Not a Drug"
"Killing Lorenzo"
"The Age I Am Now"
"Bathed in Pink"
Listen to My Long-Playing Records Podcasts:
"A Certain Kind of Mischief"
"The Best Mud"
"Handy to Some"
"Tales of the Millerettes"
"Men at Sea"
"My Long-Playing Records"
"Basketball Is Not a Drug"
"Killing Lorenzo"
"Bathed in Pink"
Also available on iTunes.