Have a Happy Holiday and a Great 2022!
My Book WorldClear, James. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. New York: Avery, 2018. A great book for helping a person to form good habits and break old ones. Clear says you want to make your good habits “obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying” (253), and you want to make your bad habits “invisible, unattractive, hard, and unsatisfying” (253). Clear states all along “This is a continuous process. There is no finish line. There is no permanent solution.” By way of example, I kept forgetting to take a dosage of over-the-counter digestive at noon until I cut out the brand name and put it in my noon pill container. I kept the reminder there until I made the habit of taking it without an obvious cue. Only a small example, but I believe this book will make a good handbook for forming good habits and abolishing the bad. Next Post: January 4, 2022 | Next 'My Book World' January 14, 2022 | Margaret Hill McCarter's A Master’s Degree
FRIDAY: My Book World | James Clear's Atomic Habits
My Book WorldSchiff, Adam. Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could. New York: Random, 2021. If one followed the two impeachment hearings of ex-president Trump, one became quite well acquainted with the rhetorical skills of Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who led that trial. And one will recognize much of the material he includes in this book but also much, much more. One gets an inside view of what he experienced to reach that point where Trump needed to be impeached. He recreates important scenes on the floor in public; he recreates scenes out of view as he confers with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other congressional leaders. Reading his account fills out one’s view if you only watched it on TV, especially if your viewing was spotty. Most important, however, is the revelation of Adam Schiff’s character. Into his narrative are woven personal anecdotes about family members, congressional staff members, and other personalities. These reveal a wholly human and humane person who would make a great speaker of the house or president, should he desire to run. NEXT FRIDAY: My Book World | James Clear's Atomic Habits
TOMORROW: My Book World | Adam Schiff's Midnight in Washington
FRIDAY: My Book World | Adam Schiff's Midnight in Washington
FRIDAY: My Book World | Adam Schiff's Midnight in Washington
My Book WorldMantel, Hilary. Wolf Hall: A Novel. Book One of the Thomas Cromwell Trilogy. New York: Picador, 2010. Quite an enjoyable read, one that combines history and literature alike. I read this one aloud to my partner and was able to hear what a masterful job Mantel does with the language—quite musical. She, more than most writers, makes great use of interior monologue, by which we always know who is thinking what. This retelling of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and Thomas Cromwell (among a distinguished cast of many) is worthy of all the accolades it has received (winner of England’s Man Booker Prize). Can’t wait to read the other two parts of this distinguished trilogy. NEXT FRIDAY: My Book World | TBD
TOMORROW: My Book World | Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall
FRIDAY: My Book World | Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall
Richard Jespers is a writer living in Lubbock, Texas, USA. See my profile at Author Central:
http://amazon.com/author/rjespers Archives
December 2024