MY JOURNEY OF STATES is a series in which I relate my sixty-year quest to visit all fifty states in the U.S. In each post I tell of my relationship to that state, whether brief or long, highlighting personal events. I include the year of each state's entry into the union and related celebrations. I hope you enjoy my journey as much as I have. This is the fiftieth post of fifty.
Oregon (2015)
The four of us shared a lovely three-bedroom house on a steep hill. Luckily, it was sunny the entire time, yet the temps never rose above the mid-fifties. We were privileged to witness a double low-tide, in which more beach than usual was exposed, leaving a great deal of sea life visible until the tide returned. I captured a bit of that beauty in the photos above, also a few other sights we managed to take in along the coast.
Oregon was the 33rd state to join the union in 1859 and celebrated its sesquicentennial in 2009.
Historical Postcards and Trunk Decals
If you missed earlier My Journey of States posts, please click on a link:
1-Kansas 13. New Jersey 25. Michigan 37. N. Hampshire
2-Oklahoma 14. Delaware 26. Wisconsin 38. Maine
3-Texas 15. New York 27. Minnesota 39. Rhode Island
4-Louisiana 16. Connecticut 28. Iowa 40. Idaho
5-Missouri 17. Colorado 29. Hawaii 41. Nevada
6-Illinois 18. Arkansas 30. Georgia 42. Utah
7-Indiana 19. California 31. S. Carolina 43. Washington
8-Ohio 20. Florida 32. N. Carolina 44. Alaska
9-Pennsylvania 21. Mississippi 33. Alabama 45. Nebraska
10-West VA 22. New Mexico 34. Kentucky 46. S. Dakota
11-Maryland 23. Tennessee 35. Massachusetts 47. N. Dakota
12. Virginia 24. Arizona 36. Vermont 48. Montana
49. Wyoming 50. Oregon